Proposed "Table of Contents"
Monday, December 11, 2006
All New Table Of Contents. This new TOC will be implemented soon for 2007 entrance tests preparation.
Section I - Quantitative Aptitude - Arithmetic & Algebra
- Numbers
- Number System
- Classification of Numbers
- Properties of Numbers
- Base System & Base Conversion
- Absolute Value
- Basic Arithmetic Operations
- Symbol Based Problems
- Divisibility Test
- HCF & LCM of Integers
- HCF & LCM of Fractions & Decimal numbers
- Surds and Indices
- Square numbers
- Square roots & Cube roots
- Laws of Indices
- Rule of cyclicity
- Laws of surds
- Averages
- Types of averages
- Arithmetic mean
- Geometric mean
- Harmonic mean
- Relation between the three means i.e AM, GM, HM
- Percentages
- Definition of percentage
- Application involving percentage
- Stocks and Shares
- Simple & Compound Interest
- SI & CI
- Population & Depreciation
- Profit & Loss
- Basic terminology in Profit & Loss
- Important formulae in Profit & Loss
- Basic Algebraic Operations
- Basic concepts of Algebra
- Arithmetic operations on algebraic expressions
- Algebraic formula and their applications
- Important algebraic formulae
- HCF & LCM of polynomials
- Simple Equations
- Framing a simple equation
- Conversion of verbal statements to simple equation
- Simultaneous Equations
- Simultaneous equations
- General method of solving simultaneous equations
- Quadratic Equations
- Definition of a quadratic equation
- Roots of a quadratic equation
- Relation between roots and coefficients
- Nature of the roots of a quadratic equation
- Equation reducible to quadratic equation
- Inequations
- Definition of an inequation
- Properties of inequalities
- Quadratic inequalities
- Ratio, Proportion & Variation
- Definition of a ratio
- Composition of ratios
- Order of ratios
- Properties of ratios
- Definition of proportion
- Continued proportion
- Variation
- Important results of proportion
- Partnership
- Definition of partnership
- Simple & Compound Partnership
- Mixtures & Alligations
- Types of mixtures
- Alligation Rule
- Important results based on Alligation rule
- Time, Speed & Distance
- Definition of speed
- Average speed & proportion related to Average speed
- Relative speed & proportion related to Relative speed
- Races
- Basic terminology in races
- Important formulae related to races
- Work
- Definition of work
- Important formulae for work related problems
- Pipes & Cisterns
- Calendar
- Clocks
Section II - Verbal Ability & Verbal Reasoning
- Intro - Sentence, Subject & Predicate
- Parts of Speech and Articles
- Basics
- Noun
- Pronoun
- Adjective
- Verb
- Adverb
- Conjunction
- Preposition
- Interjection.
- Clauses, Idoms and Phrasal Verbs
- Phrases
- Clauses
- Idioms
- Phrasal Verbs.
- Common Errors
- Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
- Verb Tense Match
- Parallel Construction
- Misplaced Modifier
- Dangling Modifier
- Subject Verb Agreement
- Prepositional Usage
- Correct Adjectival Usage
- Correct Usage of Articles
- Sentence Correction.
- Jumbled Paragraphs and Sentence Patterns
- Fill in the Blanks
- Logical Fill In the Blanks
- Paired Logical Fill in the Blanks
- Missing Link in a Paragraph
- Complete the theme
- Word repeated Maximum Number of Times
- Critical Reasoning
- Premise
- Assumption
- Conclusion
- Inference
- Structure
- Odd Man Out, Analogies and Multiple Usage
- Summary
- Venn Diagrams and Syllogisms
- Venn Diagrams
- Syllogisms
- Definition Based Questions
- Argument
- Assertion and Counter-argument
- Conclusions and Implicit Statements
- Fact
- Inference
- Judgment
- Probably True/False
- Definitely True/False
- Strong Argument
- Weak Argument
This list will be soon update. Keep Visiting!

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