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Parts of Speech - The Noun

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Noun: As we have seen earlier, a noun is a word that refers to a name of the person, place, animal or thing. The word thing is used to mean anything that we can think of.

Kinds of Noun:

  1. Proper Nouns: The name of some particular person, place or thing is a proper noun. (Ram is from India. Ashoka was a great king.) Here Ram and Ashka are a proper noun.

  2. Common Nouns: The name given to every person or thing of the same class or kind is a common noun. (The boys are smarter than the girls.) Here boys and girls are common noun. In the above example king is a common noun.

  3. Abstract Nouns: The name given to a quality, action or state considered apart from the object to which it belongs, is an abstract noun. (Honesty is the best policy). Abstract Nouns are formed from Adjectives (Kindness from Kind), Verbs (growth from grow) and from Common Nouns (slavery from slave)

  4. Collective Nouns: The name given to a collection of persons or things taken together and spoken of as one whole is a collective noun. (The police are searching for clues. The Indian nation should be considered as one family.) Here police, nation and family are collective nouns.
    *Note: Team, Jury, Committee are examples of collective nouns which can take a singular or a plural verb depending on the context. Police always takes a plural verb.


  1. The crowd was very big. ~ crowd - collective

  2. Always speak the truth. ~ truth - abstract

  3. We all love honesty. ~ honesty - abstract

  4. Our class consists of twenty pupils. ~ class and pupils - collective

  5. The elephant has great strength. ~ elephant - common, strength - abstract

  6. Solomon was famous for his wisdom. ~ Solomon - proper, wisdom - abstract

  7. Cleanliness is next to godliness. ~ Cleanliness and godliness - abstract

  8. We saw a fleet of ships in the harbour. ~ fleet - collective, ships and harbour - common

  9. The class is studing grammar. ~ class - collective, grammar - abstract

  10. The Nile overflows its banks every year. ~ Nile - proper, banks and year - common

  11. A committiee of five was appointed. ~ committiee - collective

  12. Nelson is famous for his victory at Trafalgar. ~ Nelson and Trafalgar - proper, victory - abstract

  13. The soldiers were rewarded for their bravery. ~ soldiers - common, bravery - abstract

  14. Without health there is no happiness. ~ health and happiness - abstract

  15. He gave me a bunch of grapes. ~ bunch - collective, grapes - common

  16. I recognized your voice at once. ~ voice - common

  17. Our team is better than theirs. ~ team - collective

  18. Never tell a lie. ~ lie - abstract

  19. Wisdom is better than strength. ~ Wisdom and strength - abstract

  20. He sets a hight value on his time. ~ value and time - abstract

  21. I belive in his innocence. ~ innocence - abstract

  22. This room is thirty feet in length. ~ room and feet - common, length - abstract

  23. I often think of the happy days of childhood. ~ days - common, childhood - abstract

  24. The streets of some of our cities are noted for their crookedness. ~ streets and cities - common, crookedness - abstract

  25. What is your verdict, gentlemen of the jury? ~ verdict - abstract, gentlemen - common, jury - collective

Previous Posts

  • Parts of Speech
  • Intro - Sentence, Subject & Predicate
  • Passage #5
  • Passage #4
  • Sentence Correction #10
  • Sentence Correction #9
  • Sentence Correction #8
  • Sentence Correction #7
  • Sentence Correction #6
  • Critical Reasoning #8

    At 8:59 PM,Blogger Unknown said...

    Helpful Examples of KP textbook

    At 9:00 PM,Blogger Unknown said...

    Helpful Examples of KP textbook

    At 11:05 AM,Anonymous Anonymous said...

    22.This room is thirty feet in length. "How is length an Abstract noun"??

    At 6:08 PM,Blogger Anjan Kumar Barik said...

    Most helpful for me and our weak students.

    At 9:34 PM,Blogger Unknown said...

    Welldone great work

    At 6:08 PM,Blogger Unknown said...

    Helpful examples

    At 1:31 PM,Blogger Unknown said...

    Thanks very helpfull

    At 9:37 AM,Blogger Unknown said...

    Is "soldiers" in sentence no.13 not a collective noun as "pupils" in sentence no. 4 is?

    At 6:52 PM,Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'm also confused but i think so Pupils and soldiers both are common nouns.. Their collective nouns are "class" and "army" respectively

    At 6:54 PM,Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Cuz we can't see length or we can't touch length.. It's quality of room which we have used here

    At 8:01 AM,Blogger Deat said...

    What this book name?

    At 12:16 PM,Blogger M Rizwan said...

    Wren and martin grammar


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