Sweet Dream!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
She was crossing the street, moving like an angle, her movements had a rhythm; I was following her. She was lovely, slim figure, large green-blue eyes, and lovely heart shape face. She wore a red outfit, looked calm, and seemed fearless. Suddenly there was this big noise, like there was an explosion, a bomb. The sound was terrifying, earsplitting. She covered her ears, closed her eyes tightly, and stopped, frozen, but it was impossible to ignore what was happening all around. Everything was disrupted; terrified people were running in every direction, trying to save their lives, trying to escape death, chase death. I approached her, I said, "Are you all right?" In no time a crowd gathered. I heard someone shouting in background, the sound was becoming more and more powerful, like someone was shouting "wake up, wake up".
I opened my eyes, next thing I know it was a dream, I was lying on my bed; my head was heavy, I had this minor head-ache. It was 6:15am on the digital clock hanging on the wall. My brother said I was whispering "Are you all right? Are your all right?" and was making some kissing sounds.

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